An interview with a difference!
Our Children’s Fostering panel recently interviewed one of our applicants who wants to become a foster carer. As part of the panel process the younger children from our panel worked with the applicant to create these amazing cardboard box models. The children were full of excitement and brimming with energy after the activity. After supporting…

Training at New Routes
Our Foster Carers have benefited from the following training over recent months: Internet Safety, First Aid, De-Escalation and Safeguarding as well as having access to a Psychotherapist for therapeutic support. We are also providing training with a former care leaver on Overcoming Abuse. Further training over the coming months includes Managing Allegations, Mental Health and…

Celebrating 30 years of New Routes Fostering
This year marks the 30th Anniversary of New Routes Fostering, the fostering service of Father Hudson’s Care. The agency has evolved over time, and currently has a diverse range of carers to meet the changing needs of some of the most vulnerable in society. The landscape of children’s services has changed significantly since 1992, however…